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How to Use Personas to Improve Conversion Rates (Plus: Free Templates!)

How to use personas to improve conversion rates

Using Buyer Personas to Improve ConversionI

If you have used buyer personas before, you’ve likely crafted marketing strategies to improve conversion rates. In this post, we will review what personas are and how they can attract new leads and customers. Finally, we included two downloadable resources for B2C businesses and persona templates.

What Are Buyer Personas?

If you’ve not heard the term before, personas (or buyer personas), refer to semi-fictional representations of a business’ ideal customers. To get the most accurate personas, it is generally recommended to base them off of their customer data, analytics, and research.

If buyer personas are built out for your organization, they will help you to attract leads, high-value visitors, and customers that you’ll be more than likely to keep. They also can help your business to relate to its customers and further help you to build out your target audience – a group of potential or current consumers – and tailor your marketing and advertising strategies to increase overall sales.

How to Create Personas for Your Business

There are a lot of different ways to start a persona for your business, but for me personally, I like to start with the basics: the customer’s background, demographics, any notable identifiers, and their challenges, goals, and pain points.

Depending on your business size and customer base, you may have as little as 5 personas or as many as 20. If you’re new to persona creation, I would suggest starting with 1-3, as you can go back and add more later as you become more familiar with the process. You may also opt to do in-person or phone interviews with customers to determine what they like (or don’t like) about your product(s). This also opens up the door to obtaining and including real quotes or testimonials.

Once you’ve gone through the motions and have 2-3 personas, you should begin to feel more comfortable with the creation process. At this point, you may want to open them up to other members of your business to review them and confirm they do line up with some of your real-life customers.

In Conclusion

Lastly, click the two icons below for two free different PowerPoint presentations with example personas and templates.

Do you have any tips for creating business personas? Let us know in the comments! 

B2C Business Personas

Click to download five B2C personas created for Ink'T, an online t-shirt printing company, and learn how to create personas for your company.

How to Create Buyer Personas for Your Business

Click to download this PowerPoint presentation covering how to create personas, prepared by HubSpot.

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