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The Best Tech Memes of 2023

A person laughing at a desk with a computer on it

20+ Funniest Tech Memes of 2023

In this post, we’ll share more than 20 of the funniest and best tech memes of 2023. Also, we’ll include a brief explanation of each, as always, so you can understand why they are so funny!

Unfinished Projects

First, the curse of the unfinished project. After a few months (or honestly, weeks?), you return to a landscape that has a vague familiarity and yet still...

Tech Support - Cookies

Next - this one is just cute. Two adorable dogs are looking fondly at a tray of freshly baked cookies. They say they're from tech support and they have to delete them all.

This File May Harm Your Computer

This meme is from TechNet Computing and is about downloading a file from the internet. The warning is pretty clear, but we click download anyway. Sometimes, this leads to unforeseen screen freezing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Password Memory

So, according to this meme, I'm not the only one who immediately forgets passwords after creating them. That's enough validation for me!

WiFi - Connected, or Not?

I would be lying if I said I didn't face this issue today while in a meeting. WiFi connectivity is something that many

I've Been Without Internet Forever

Look at that progress! You thought that the Chrome game kept you as a tiny dragon the whole time?

New Projects

As can be seen in this meme, when presented with a new project, the developer almost jumps out of his seat. However, after a month, the developer is hiding under his desk, questioning his career choices.

Internet Explorer...Or Edge

So, for full transparency, this was on a "Best of 2023" list, but Internet Explorer was shut down in 2022. Forgive us if this was not posted last year 😅

Semicolons Are Trouble

Certainly, the list wouldn't be complete without at least one meme about the semicolon.

Memes About Artificial Intelligence

Below you’ll find a handful of memes about artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, machine learning, and the like. 

Human Knowledge in AI

Indeed, ChatGPT is impressive. But the times that it gives incorrect information about history? Not great.

Creating Memes with AI

One does not simply use AI to create memes. This one doesn't even need a description.

Develop AI...AI Develops You?

In this meme, Gru from Despicable Me is shown next to a flip board with his master plan. It starts with developing a powerful AI and ends in having the AI replace you as developer.


While statistics are incredibly useful, this meme shows a different perspective. Meg Griffin from Family Guy (statistics) is shown saying, "You guys always act like you're better than me!", showing Chris (machine learning), Lois (artificial intelligence), and Peter (deep learning) on the sofa in formal attire.

Confusing Machine Learning

How do you confuse a computer? By giving it cursed images, like this one, which has a combination of photos of chihuahuas and muffins that look weirdly similar.

Robot Apocalypse

In this meme, there are two human soldiers with guns talking about how easy it was to win the battle against robots. Apparently, the robots learned *slightly* differently and thought pre-modern weaponry would be superior.

Machine Learning 😮

For me, one of the most important meme templates was the surprised Pikachu. This one starts with: Me *uses machine learning* and then the machine *learns*.

AI in the News vs. Real Life

Last, in the top pane of this meme there's a closeup of a robot from the Terminator series (looking super intimidating). Below, there's a man pointing out a butterfly with the caption, "is this a pigeon?"

Memes About Software Development

Testing Software

First, this meme is about testing software that's been developed. Or, more accurately, the code that was pushed to production without being tested.

Is it a Feature or a Bug?

Second, in this meme, there is a crack in a wall that is labeled "Bug". A person places a frame around the crack with the label "Feature". The final frame shows the person showing off their "Feature" to a large group.

If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

Next, in this meme, there's a pane of Homer Simpson pulling a piece of paper off a sheet that says "Free Programming Advice." The tear-off says, "if it works, don't touch it."

Disappearing Content

So, the client didn't pay the invoice? Well, this individual recommends adding opacity to the body tag of their site and decreasing it daily until their site fades away.

Disappearing Content

So, the client didn't pay the invoice? Well, this individual recommends adding opacity to the body tag of their site and decreasing it daily until their site fades away.

We Are Agile

Though we already shared a meme with this format, this one was too good not to share. Have you ever worked somewhere that said they were agile but really were waterfall in disguise?

Honorable Mention Memes

VGA Charging Cable

This one isn't really a meme, but still deserved a shoutout. It is a photo of a lightning cable that has a blue VGA cover over the end that plugs into the iPhone.

When Your Kid Wants a Switch

At least your kid asked for a switch and not a BB gun! Maybe this isn't exactly what he had in mind, he'll figure out the power it holds... in time.

I Feel Personally Attacked

Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you put "happy holidays," in the email, if you send it when the office is closed for the holidays. Scheduling all emails to be sent after the office has reopened from now on...

In Conclusion

Ultimately, there were a lot of great memes out there in 2023. Did we miss one or two that you thought should’ve been highlighted? Let us know in the comments.

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