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If You Have An iPhone, Update It Immediately!

iPhone update

Breaking News: iPhone Update - Urgent

If you have an iPhone, update it now. This includes all Apple devices – Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. Yesterday on September 13th, 2021, Apple released an emergency software patch after researchers discovered a “zero-click” flaw. What exactly does that mean? Well, basically hackers could install spyware on your devices even if you don’t do anything. That is – if you don’t install the security update. 

Apple has released an update for iOS 14.8 and iPadOS 14.8 vulnerabilities that may have been exploited in the wild. These security updates address CVE-2021-30858 and CVE-2021-30860.

In conclusion – now is the time to update your iPhone (or other i-device). Protect your data! 

Go to Settings > General > Software Update to install the newest update.

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