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The Funniest Complaints About Technology

The funniest complaints about technology

The Funniest Complaints About Technology

In this post, we’re going to talk about the funniest complaints about technology. However, before that, we’d like to go through a brief history of communication and how it has evolved over time with technology. 

A Complete Revolution of Communication

Although the Phoenicians have been touted as the inventors of the alphabet, recent excavation findings revealed earlier writings that suggested Egyptians may have invented script a thousand years prior. But, if this were the case, why did it disappear from their literature for around 600 years?

This wasn’t the first time that written items were lambasted. For instance, originally, Plato criticized the spread of written language, as it would eliminate the need for memory. Additionally, Socrates said that the written word may be interpreted falsely (perhaps a foreshadowing of complaints of the lack of or reduced face-to-face communication).

Rubber stamps

When Gutenberg’s movable-type press was first invented, it also was criticized for allowing the dissemination of misinformation. Later, in 1517, Martin Luther ignited the reformation with the popularization of scholarship. Even in 1890, Mark Twain wrote a Christmas card to everyone except Alexander Graham Bell (the inventor of the telephone) because he thought it was too intrusive.

Customer Service

When it comes to technical support, people generally don’t like working with people that make them feel dumb. So, when it comes to customer service, companies that provide exemplary service are more likely to have repeat business. Further, some companies go so far as to interact with their customers on social media.

Technical Support

In the same vein as customer service, technical support refers to support with electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and more. Also, digital software may require technical support as well. Therefore, it is important for companies to provide accurate, easily accessible information on their products. Lastly, having a place for customers to leave reviews or chat with an agent to resolve their issues in real-time are additional bonuses.

Short Product Lifecycles

Have you ever purchased a brand new phone, only to hear an announcement of the next version being released only months later? Well, you’re not the only one. Thus, tech companies whose gadgets function optimally for a reasonable time frame will continue to receive customer praise. However, the alternative doesn’t generally garner positive customer feedback and can damage customer loyalty.

Hidden Fees

Sometimes, tech products come with subscription fees and tiered pricing structures. While tech companies need to make this abundantly clear, some still skirt by with incredibly small fine print. So, next time you’re shopping for a printer, double-check that it doesn’t have a subscription service required for printing.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, tech companies that have products with excellent technical and customer support, long lifecycles, and no hidden fees are going to surpass their competition. What’s your biggest complaint about technology? Let us know in the comments below or shoot us a message.

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