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Surprising Statistics About Technology

Surprising statistics about technology

Surprising Statistics About Technology

We have created a list of some of the most surprising statistics about technology. 

In 2019, there were ~22 billion devices connected to the Internet

The Internet of Things continues to grow as tens of billions of internet-connected devices turn off our lights, tell us who is at the front door, and more. To learn more about IoT, check out this blog.

20% of Google searches are voice searches

The uptick in virtual assistants available for use has, in turn, increased the number of voice searches. According to GoRemotely, 20 out of 100 Google searches are made by voice.

People spend 2.5 hours daily, on average, on social media

Next, with more businesses and consumers using social media, more time is being spent on them daily. It is estimated that users will spend 3.7 trillion hours on their favorite social media in 2021 alone.

A malware attack costs a company $2.4 million on average

Shockingly, malware attacks can be more disruptive than just by causing downtime. For example, if financial information is obtained by the hacker, the company has significantly more to lose.

59% of technology investment this year is driven by technology end of life

This year, almost 60% of technology investment is directly driven by technology end of life. What does this mean? Well, it could fall into one of these buckets: refresh cycles, additional needs/growth, project needs, end-user needs, etc.

In 2022, smartphones will be responsible for 44% of total IP traffic

By 2022, 44% of total IP traffic will be on smartphones. In 2018, PCs accounted for 41% of total IP traffic.

5G networks are projected to cover 40% of the world in 2024

The wireless network is more comprehensive than ever with 5G. The IT industry expects to have 1.5 billion 5G subscribers by 2024. To learn more about 5G, check out this blog post.

More than 90,000 websites get hacked daily

Surprisingly, over 90,000 websites get hacked daily. Further, of those sites, 83% use WordPress – which has up to 22.6 million active websites.

Artificial Intelligence is projected to add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030

Spending in the IT industry, specifically for AI, has continued to increase. Additionally, it’s expected to bring a staggering $15.7 trillion into the global economy within the next decade.

About 71% of consumers consider texting to businesses an effective form of communication

Did you know that, on top of consumers preferring texting over calling, a whopping 66% of them would pay more to use a business with text messaging support?

As of 2021, 59.5% of the global population is on social media

As of this year, there are around 4.22 billion social media users, which is about 59.5% of the global population.

In Conclusion

Finally, there are a lot more surprising statistics about technology on the GoRemotely website linked in “Resources & Further Reading” below. But before you go, let us know if you have any comments or questions!

Resources & Further Reading

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