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Top Tell-Tale Signs You Need a New Website

Top tell-tale signs you need a new website

The Top Tell-Tale Signs You Need a New Website

Believe it or not – there are several top tell-tale signs you need a new website. For example, if your website only works on desktop, you are missing out on mobile users. Further, if your website isn’t easy to navigate, users will go elsewhere to find what they’re looking for – maybe your competitors!

Is your website ?

Foundational Problems

In fact, these website foundational issues can be detrimental to your business in a variety of ways.  For instance, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, responsive, and isn’t optimized for the best user experience, you can lose customers and increase your bounce rate (which is bad). Another point often overlooked is accessibility.

First, if you’ve spoken to a web development agency in recent years, it’s likely you have heard the term, “mobile-friendly,” which is still accurate, but not the future. Mobile friendly is generally synonymous with responsive.  Though, any mobile strategy is better than no mobile strategy, mobile-first is the future.

Next, if your website isn’t easy to navigate or use, then it isn’t user-friendly. When potential customers land on your site and struggle to find what they’re looking for quickly, they’re likely to abandon it. Just think of all of those leads – heading straight to your competitors! 

Third, accessibility is more than just another set of guidelines for your website. On the contrary, web accessibility ensures that anyone visiting your website, whether using a screen reader or other assistive technology, can read and interact with your content. Learn more about web accessibility.

Other Things to Consider

Aside from being accessible and user-friendly, your website should also have the following characteristics. Good websites that lead to increased conversions have the following characteristics: they are visually appealing, consistent with your brand, and designed with your customers in mind.

Indeed, black text on a blue background may seem like a good idea to you, it may not be to your customers. By all means, you should have a design that you like, it should just be specifically designed for your customers.

Further, your website should be consistent throughout with both its design and messaging. For example, if your primary brand colors are red and white, navigation with a blue background might not mesh well.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have your website designed with your customers in mind. It may seem like a great idea to include how-to videos on your site, but how many people will use them? We analyze your customer data to see what features they utilize most – and which ones they might not miss in the future.

In Conclusion

In summary, the top tell-tale signs you need a new website are: mobile-first, user-friendly, accessible, visually appealing, consistent with your brand, and designed with your customers in mind. So, when was your website last updated? It might be time for a revamp. Let us know in the comments below.

Resources & Further Reading

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