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Alarming Misnomers in Technology to Stop Believing Now

Alarming misnomers in technology to stop believing now

Misnomers in Technology

In this post, we highlight several misnomers in technology to stop believing now. Surprisingly, these confusing terms must have had reason to do so. There are also reasons for why these are considered misnomers. Why so? Let’s dive in.

Popular Misnomers Explained

Desktop PC computer tower

Don’t worry if you can relate to some of these. We’ve been there before, too! And remember – there is a reason why misnomers exist in the first place! 

Storage vs. Memory

Although some exceptions exist, memory refers to data in RAM (Random Access Memory) and storage refers to data in the hard drive. 

PC, Desktop, or Tower?

When it comes to your computer, what do you call it? Do you call it a PC, desktop, or tower? Well, all of these are correct! That is, unless, you are using a Macintosh.

Cloud Storage vs. Cloud Backups

Similar to hard drive storage, cloud storage means that your data can be accessed anywhere. On the other hand, cloud backups are copies of your files and folders that are saved in different intervals.

Multi-armed Bandit

In general, when referring to slot machines as, “multi-armed bandits,” may seem correct. But, upon physical examination of one, only one lever is present. Alternatively, some people believe that the phrase actually meant multiple one-armed bandits. Nevertheless, trends suggest automated A/B testing are multi-armed bandits.

Non-Technical Misnomers

Have you ever said or heard the phrase, “everything I’ve known is a lie!”? Well, prepare yourself, as the non technical misnomers we’ve listed below may make you feel just like that.

In Conclusion

Did any of these tech misnomers surprise you? If you have a misnomer that you think we’d enjoy, let us know in the comments below.

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