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15 Transformative IT Tips from Technology Experts

15 transformative IT tips from technology experts

15 Transformative IT Tips from Technology Experts

Although you may be a Microsoft Word pro, everyone can benefit from transformative tips from technology experts! Once you implement a few of them into your daily routines, you’ll notice how much time you’ve saved.

Time-Saving Tips

First off, did you know that when you’re using Google Chrome, you can highlight text and then right click to search Google for that text? Well, you can. Try searching for 2021 technology memes.

Using the Middle Mouse Button

You know the wheellike device between the left and right-click buttons on a computer mouse? Well, it has more functions other than scrolling through content! Pressing in the middle button will open a new tab if you click on a link. Try it

Using Keyboard Navigation

Not only can you navigate between applications, search pages, and refresh windows with keyboard shortcuts, but also navigate websites. Computer Hope has a nice guide for navigating Microsoft Windows primarily using the keyboard.

Our Most-Used Keyboard Shortcuts

Lastly, these are some of the keyboard shortcuts that we use the most. Which ones do you use to save time?

  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Alt + Tab: Rotate between windows 
  • Ctrl + F5: Reload all content and assets from server on a webpage
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the most recently closed tab
Learning and Using Acronyms

While some call it shorthand, using acronyms can save time when writing emails or messages. When you’re finished reading this, check out our post on top acronyms in IT.

Making the Most of Your Day

Create a Daily To-Do List

On the whole, creating a to-do list is generally a good way to prioritize your tasks. Additionally, it’s a good way to see what you have on your plate for the day.

Plan for Brain Breaks

Believe it or not, taking a few 10-minute breaks throughout your workday can boost productivity. Also, expressing mindfulness at the office can help lower stress and anxiety.

Take Time to Decompress

Whether you meditate, perform breathing exercises, do sticker therapy, or something else, it’s important to take time to de-stress and decompress. Furthermore, using relaxation methods can help reduce stress further.

Plug Your USB in Right Side Up

On the side of a USB drive, there’s usually a logo or icon on the top. If you point that side up, it’ll work 10/10 times. We promise.

Extend the Battery Life on Your Phone

When you’re at work or at a movie (post-pandemic), enabling battery saving mode reduces the number of processes running in the background. Check out our post on more tips to extending your battery life.

Networking and Your Career

Create a Unique Resume

First, before getting your dream job, you need to write a resume. Coupled with your professional skills and unique background, make a statement before entering the door.

Ace Your Interview

Next, once you’ve wowed the head of HR, it’s time to ace your interview. As a matter of fact, we dedicated an entire post to prepare you.

Unplug from Social Media

Social media marketing rarely requires taking scheduled breaks from social media, but we think they should. You might find it refreshing yourself, if you give it a try.

Networking Remotely

To say nothing of remote networking would be disgraceful. So, try to determine if LinkedIn is going to be useful to keep in touch with colleagues.

Keep Tabs on Tech Videos

This probably goes without saying, but watching YouTube or Vimeo videos about technology is a great way to stay current. 

In Conclusion

Ultimately, you may have to try a few of these before you find the ones that work best for you. However, we are sure that out of all 15 of these transformative tips from technology experts, you’re bound to find one useful.

Did we leave something out? Let us know in the comments below.

Resources & Further Reading

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