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Myths About Technology

Myths about technology

If you’ve ever heard something you didn’t believe, you may be familiar with some of these myths about technology. From thinking that 5G towers can make you sick to thinking that satellite trains will block astronomers’ views of the stars. No matter how ridiculous they may sound, here are some of our favorites.

Killing Apps Saves Resources

While closing an app may seem final, sometimes some of its processes keep running. Further, killing these background processes will result in them immediately restarting again. Ultimately, using a phone's battery saver mode disables most background processes.

Extend Your Phone's Battery LifeNov 09, 2017

Automation Will Displace People

As automation progresses, human intervention will be reduced in business processes. Conversely, needs for skilled employees will rise, as special skill programs are rolled out everywhere.

Nov 09, 2017

Automation Will Reduce More Jobs Than It'll Create​

When automation is implemented, many conventional jobs have been removed. However, some jobs are created with automation, so it is not completely true. Regardless, learning to network remotely (in IT and other fields) can benefit you greatly should your job suddenly become automated. 

Learn How to Network RemotelyNov 09, 2017

Satellite Trains Will Hurt Astronomers' Views of Planets and Stars​

Notably, of the 1000 Americans interviewed, 36% fear satellite trains will hurt astronomers' views of stars and planets. In contrast, satellites are shielded with non-reflective substance and sunshades. As a matter of fact, what hurts astronomers' views most is light pollution from nearby cities.

Reduce Your PollutionNov 09, 2017

5G Internet Will Replace 4G Internet

To point out, a large number of people (around 86% as of 11/2020) believe that 5G Internet will replace 4G. In reality, 5G is built on old 4G network, so it cannot "replace" 4G. 

Nov 09, 2017

Private Browsing Keeps Data Private

It is important to realize that Private Browsing windows, unlike their names suggest, don't make you invisible. In fact, when using incognito mode, external sources can still track your activity. If you're truly looking to maintain your privacy, a VPN is your best option.

Learn About VPNsNov 09, 2017

In Conclusion

Lastly, these are only a few of the myths surrounding technology today. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks for reading! 

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