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Top Tweets About Technology Today

Top tweets about technology today

Top Tweets About Technology Today

The top tweets about technology today run the gamut from funny to otherworldly. Twitter’s user base is growing every week. As expected, with an increase in users, there is also an increase in tweets. Thus, here are the top tweets about technology that we’ve selected.

Top Tweets: Recent

Walt Disney - A Master of Code

Walt Disney was the grandfather of reusing your library code across different projects. #DRY #programming

Take Linux with You

How to install Linux on an Android phone – @opensourceway

Stack Overflow: A Blessing and a Curse

I hope Stack Overflow never goes away. I know six, maybe, seven things. – @iamdevloper

Top Tweets: Funny

Buying a Jacket Online?

Before you buy that nice jacket online, ask yourself: “Am I willing to delete one extra email every day for the rest of my life?” – @AaronFullerton

Plugging in a USB

I don’t think I have ever, even once, plugged a USB cable in right-side up on the first try. – @ChrisEvans

...Like One of Your French Girls

Apple Pencil me like one of your French girls – @amberdiscko

Top Tweets: Relatable

Silence Your Phones

Movie theater: Please silence your phones.

Me, who hasn’t taken my phone off silent since 2012: *double-checks* – @abgates7

Moving Photos in Word

Moving a picture in Microsoft Word

This tweet displays a photo of a pie graph with two colors, blue and red. The red makes up about 5% of the pie and is denoted, “it actually does what you want”; with the remaining 95% being blue, the spelling split in half on either side of the pie, “you mess up the whole document”.

Throwing Away Packaging

When you throw out the packaging of a microwave dinner and immediately forget how long to microwave it for… the sacred texts! – @SequelMemes

Top Tweets: For Parents

7-year-old Says, "Don't Trust Siri"

7: (silently sneaks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder)

Me: Yes?

7: (whispers in to my ear) Do not trust Siri. She doesn’t have eyes. (Walks away)

Who needs scary movies when you can just have kids? – @PetrickSara

Hey Siri, Who is This?

Me: Hey Siri, who is this?

Siri: Listening…

Me: [holding phone up to houseful of kids]

Siri: This sounds like Hell. – @RodLacroix

What Day is It?

8-year-0ld: Hey Google, what day is it?

Me: It’s sad that you have to ask.

8: Then you tell me.

Me: Let’s see what Google says. – @XplodingUnicorn

In Conclusion

In conclusion – what tweet was your favorite? Do you have a funny or relevant tweet about technology you’d like to share? Email us or let us know below in the comments.

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