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7 Things You Should Never Say in an Interview

7 things you should never say in an interview

Things You Should Never Say in an Interview

First, if you are trying to get a job offer, here are 7 things you should never say in an interview. That is, unless you’re trying to get out of the application process.

"I don't know."

This is back side content.

"I'm a quick learner."

Some people, when they do not have the required experience for a position, say, "I'm a quick learner." It is better for the interviewer to determine if you're qualified or not.

"It's on my resume."

It may very well be the case that what the interviewer is asking for is on your resume, however, if they ask you directly, respond directly.

"Do you mind if I take this call?"

Taking a call during your interview is not good etiquette. Ensure your phone is set to silent before your interview.

"I didn't like my previous boss."

Speaking negatively about a previous boss or position rarely ends well. It may lead your interviewer to think that you may do the same if you are hired at their company.

"I really need this job."

Though you may be desperate for this position, it is best not to mention it to the interviewer.

"Do you have Friday Happy Hours?"

While some might think this is a good way to show interest in mingling with coworkers, alcohol and work don't mix. This can likely be asked at a later time, during lunch or off hours, of a colleague, if you are hired.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, if you’re trying to get out of an interview quickly, there are many, many ways to do so gracefully. Using the phrases mentioned in this article, however, are not recommended. Moreover, if you can manage to avoid saying these things, your odds of success may increase.

Did we leave anything out? Have you said something you wish you hadn’t in an interview? Let us know in the comments below.

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