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Best Web Development and Technology Videos

Best web development and technology videos

The Best Web Development Videos

We have searched for and watched many web development videos to see which ones were the best. Check out our selections below. Plus, web design, technology trend expectations, robotics, and more.

Web Development in 2021 - A Practical Guide

First, in this video, Brad Traversy provides his yearly guide to web development. He explains web technologies that are currently needed, new trends, and provides multiple options for you to to create and plan your own learning path. Be aware, this is a little over an hour long, so you might want to grab a snack for this one.

Getting Started with Web Dev in 2021

Next up, we’ve got Maximilian (Max) Schwarzmuller’s 2021 guide for web development. He describes the clearest path to a career in web dev and explains the basics (HTML, CSS, JS), all in 20 minutes. In terms of what knowledge you get for your time spent, we think it’s worth it.

Web Development in 2021: The Top 3 Trends You Should Know!

In this video by Academind, Max Schwarzmuller goes over the top trends you should know as a web developer in 2021. He opens with focusing on the user and stresses the importance of not overcomplicating things. Next, he tackles businesses that are moving to the web, and lastly, he encourages lifelong learning.

The Best Web Development & Design Videos

Web Design Trends 2021

Envato’s Jen Mckinnon reviews the web design trends they’re predicting for 2021. After the intro, she touches on dark mode, collage & mixing mediums, organic design, inclusivity & accessibility, and more. This one packs a punch for only being 13 minutes.

Web Design vs Web Development | What's right for you?

Jesse Showalter compares two different, yet similar career paths: web designer and web developer. He reviews both roles, tools, and what you can expect from both on the day-to-day. Lastly, he provides his opinions on which one you might want to pursue.

The Best Technology Videos

'Bloomberg Technology' Full Show (02/04/2021)

This video is the full show from February 5, 2021, with Host Emily Chang, featuring an exclusive interview with Microsoft’s CEO Nadella and how what “going to work” means now. Plus, 23andMe plans to go public, and the first civilian space mission.

Robotics and High-tech Exhibition in Dubai | Robot Spot Modifications | Technology News

In this 8-minute video, PRO Robots reviews an exhibition of robots and technology in Dubai. The robots range from artificial intelligence experiments, the flying care, and more.

The World in 2050: Future Technology

Last but not least, in 2050: what would be the future technology? We are in the year 2021 (2020 in video), and if we’re being honest with ourselves, technology is incredible advanced, and we’re making strides that can push things even farther.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, there are so many different videos available for free online, you can find almost anything (provided you know the proper keywords). Do you have a favorite web dev or technology video that you’d like to share? Questions or comments? Let us know below.

Resources & Further Reading

5 thoughts on “Best Web Development and Technology Videos”

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