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7 Proven Ways to Amplify Your Blog Posts

Amplify your blog

Amplify Your Blog Posts

In this post, we will review several techniques to amplify your blog posts.

Until now, have you ever wondered how to write blog posts in a way that grabs – and keeps – the attention of your clients? For instance, maybe you are a chef and you want to share recipes with the world. Whatever your passion may be, there are a few easy tweaks that you can make to your post-writing process and increase that SEO ranking

Add catchy, emotional headlines to amplify your blog
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Amplify Your Blog with Awesome Words

Surprisingly, by switching up some of the words that you use, you can improve your site engine optimization, or SEO. In fact, the Yoast SEO plugin automatically analyzes your post text and lets you know whether your post is ready to go or if it’s in need of a few updates.

Other Ways to Improve Your Blog Posts

Maintaining a regular posting schedule keeps customers and clients expecting consistent updates from you or your business. By posting regularly, you increase the likelihood of someone navigating to your site.

Instead of posting what you would like to see on your blog, consider what your customer might enjoy. You may find that contrary to your beliefs, your clients may be looking for something different.

If you are using MonsterInsights, you can quickly and easily see what posts are pages are the most popular on your site. You can also see where your references are coming from, and demographic information of visitors. By analyzing your Google Analytics data, you can adjust your content curation to post more of what they are eager to see.

If any of your blog posts receive comments, be sure to reply to them. That way, questions don’t go unanswered and your account looks more active (especially if you have scheduled posts).

Try Out This Extension

Download the Yoast SEO plugin to perform a readability check, keyword optimization, faster indexing, and more - for free!

Yoast SEO

In Conclusion

Ultimately, given these points, you should be able to use emotional headlines, add tags, use transition words, and post regularly with ease. In the long run, you will see an increase in traffic and sessions, which will, in turn, convert into leads.

Resources & Further Reading

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