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Ways to Improve Your Health in the Office in the New Year

Ways to improve your health in the new year

Improve Your Health in the New Year

So, 2020 is finally making its final lap around the track. Soon, we will be ringing in the new year in just a few days. Many people choose to exercise more, eat healthier, or accomplish something they’ve strived for. Try to add some of these to your daily routine to improve your health in the new year.

Eat Brain-Boosting Foods

Improve your health by adding almonds to your diet


First, the health benefits of almonds include reduced blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and lower cholesterol. Additionally, almonds are full of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Superfood Blueberries


Second, blueberries are high in potassium and vitamin C. Also, they can lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. As an added bonus, they also have anti-inflammatory properties!

Superfoods: Salmon


Third, salmon contains an abundance of omega 3s, which can lower the risk of heart disease, aid with arthritis, memory loss, and Alzheimer's. Eating 2-3 servings per week can also help lower cholesterol.

Other Ways to Improve Your Health

Further, eating a variety of snacks isn’t the only thing you can do to improve your health. For instance, you can drink more water, get moving, or plan time to “unplug” during the week.

Unplug from Technology

Not only has technology become intertwined with our daily lives, but also our social relationships. Plan to completely unplug from tech and screens once a week. 

Clear Clutter

"Cluttered spaces reflect a cluttered mind," says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a physician based out of New York. Thus, she continues, "many of my patients [with anxiety, depression, or stress] report they feel better when they start clearing up their physical space."

Drink More Water

Surely by now you've heard to aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, promote healthy bowel movements, and can lead to clearer skin.

Exercise More

If you set an achievable exercise goal that you complete daily, you can ward off symptoms of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Consider setting a daily goal on your smartphone, so that you will see your accomplishments as you complete them.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, you may need to try a few different things to become more healthy. Consequently, because you are adding superfoods to your diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy chocolate once in a while. With this in mind, moderation is key.

Resources & Further Reading

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