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What Spectacular Fictional Character Would be Perfect at Hailstorm-Development?

What fictional character would be perfect at Hailstorm-Development?

Have You Created a Fictional Character?

When you were younger, did you ever participate in a creative writing assignment? Perhaps you were given a single-sentence story prompt and told to expand upon it. You could’ve been given a list of uncommon words to use, themes to highlight, or a fictional character to create. Whatever the situation may have been, think about where you are now. Are you a business owner, an entrepreneur, or do you work for a large corporation? 

Tap Into Your Creative Side

You don’t have to be an artist or a prolific writer to complete this exercise. The goal is to warm up your mind to thinking of what type fictional character would work best in your day-to-day role. To help break it down and show you what we’re talking about, we’ve come up with four different types of spectacular fictional characters that we think would fit in great at Hailstorm-Development! 

Manuel Monkey

Manuel Monkey specializes in automation, employing services like to build, deploy, and automate with ease! 

Frannie Fox

Frannie is who you can thank for product favorites. She regularly updates her favorite products in her profile to ensure her family knows what to buy her for Christmas.

Pete Pig

Pete Pig always looks for the cheapest price when he’s shopping online, and he can save you money by paying close attention to your purchases.

Chen the Chicken

Chen is a photographer and designer. He creates page content that will drive you cuckoo! (in a good way)

Learning Activity

It's time for action! Try to come up with 1-4 different character profiles for your company. 

Having trouble? Think critically: who does your business primarily cater to? What menial tasks could automation help to free your minds anxieties? If you could have a super employee, what would that look like? 

Resources & Further Reading

That’s it for today, folks. Message us or comment below if you think we missed something or if you just want to chat! 

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