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Hailstorm-Development’s Core Values and Why They’re Important

Hailstorm-Development's core values

What Exactly Are Core Values?

Core values can help ensure that each employee in your company from entry-level to senior leadership are working towards a common goal. Additionally, core values can solidify an individual’s purpose, which is directly tied to job satisfaction, according to a 2016 LinkedIn study.

Purpose is defined as finding work that matters to each person and connecting those to companies where they can make a positive, meaningful impact. They are fundamental driving forces and guiding principles that create a solid core of who you are, what you believe, and where you want to go/who you want to be in the future.


At Hailstorm-Development, we firmly believe in transparency. We think that the best, easiest-to-maintain relationships are those with clear, concise, and routine communication, so we keep you up to date by the minute.


Have you ever heard the phrase, work hard, play hard? We think it's important to enjoy what we do - so we try to incorporate activities to make the day-to-day enjoyable and exciting.


We are always looking for ways to improve the ways that we get things done, by researching and developing new tools to aid business owners and e-Commerce product and store managers.


The quality of service that we deliver is unparalleled. Even if we don't perform website maintenance for you after the initial build, you can still sign up for ad-hoc consulting so we can make tweaks on-the-fly.


We believe that diversity in individuals and perspectives are imperative for structuring our creative, inclusive, work environment where we unlock each other's potential and encourage growth.

Constant Improvement

If there is a will, there is a way, but that doesn't mean it's the only way. We strive to create an environment that supports both the growth of the company and the individuals on our team.

Inspirational Core Values

HubSpot compiled a list of companies with inspiring core values, including Google, Whole Foods, and Coca Cola.

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How Does Purpose Stack Up Globally?

The most purpose-oriented workers can be found in various countries around the world. Below, we’ve listed a few of the percentages of purpose-oriented workforces.

Saudi Arabia
United States
Global average (as of 2016)
Purpose-oriented workforce 37%

Purpose Can Increase Your Bottom Line

In the 2016 Workforce Purpose Index – Purpose At Work – The Largest Global  Study on the Role of Purpose in the Workforce by Imperative and LinkedIn survey, they found that 58% of companies with a clearly articulated, understandable purpose. These companies observed an experienced growth of +10%, whereas companies that did not prioritize purpose did not.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, purpose motivates employees regardless of differences in region, culture, language, and occupation. Professionals that are in purpose-oriented roles have a 39% chance of staying at their company for more than 3 years. Additionally, of the same group, 73% are satisfied with their job, compared to 64% of those that were not purpose-oriented. 

Does your company have core values? Are you in a purpose-oriented role? Let us know in the comments below or contact us

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