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Netflix’s New Ads Plan is a Bit Like Roulette

If you’re looking to switch to Netflix’s new ads plan, here’s what you’re in for. In this post, we cover some examples of what you may see when you play a movie or show. Sometimes, you get no ads for an entire film, while others may have ads at the beginning, middle, and near the end of it.

What Are Some of the Pros?

Long story short, for those in the 12 supported countries, Basic with Ads is now being offered for only $6.99/month. If you sign up, you can expect to see the same wide variety of TV shows, movies, and personalized viewing experiences as the ad-free plans.  

Next, at launch, ads will be from 15-30 seconds in length and will play before and during shows and films. Also, for advertisers, broad targeting capabilities by country and genre will be offered to prevent their ads from appearing on content inconsistent with their brand.

What Are Some of the Cons?

Well, for one thing, 720p is not the greatest video quality out there. Also, there are no offline downloads available in this plan. So, you can’t preemptively download movies before traveling where you may not have a reliable internet connection.

Lastly, unlike broadcast TV where you knew when and how often ads would be shown, it feels somewhat like a game of Russian roulette when it comes to when the ads are shown in shows and movies on this plan.

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for a cheaper  Netflix plan and don’t mind seeing up to 5 minutes of ads per hour, Basic with Ads is your best bet. However, if you feel already too inundated with ads, you can always keep your existing ad-free plan, like me. 😉 

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