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PS5 Side Plates Suddenly Disappear After Cease and Desist

Dbrand pulls their PS5 side plates "Darkplates" after Sony sends them a Cease and Desist

Well, That Didn't Take Long

Earlier in the year, Dbrand began selling matte black PS5 side plates called Darkplates. If you’re not familiar with them, they basically turn your white console black. Also, they feature their play on the PlayStation icons in the microtexture. However, as of last Saturday, you can no longer buy them.

Sony's Cease and Desist

Sony did not take too kindly to how the faceplates “replicate SIE’s [Sony Interactive Entertainment] protected product design.”

So, with that being said… they complied, but not without getting their response out on the company’s subreddit.

Wait...That Looks Familiar

If you’ve been keeping an eye on popular Netflix shows, you’ve likely heard of Squid Game. In the show, players are recruited by a business card with a circle, triangle, and square on it (3 of the 4 trademark symbols). As part of their post, they displayed a comparison between the three:

Dbrand has an enjoyable bit of whataboutism trying to shift the blame on popular Netflix show Squid Game. | Image: Dbrand

Anyway, never fear – CustomizeMyPlates still has PS5 side plates available for the time being. We’ll have to see if Dbrand creates a new line of Darkplates – or maybe they’ll let this one go. What do you think?

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