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10 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Workday and Everything You Need to Know

10 simple ways to brighten your workday

First things first – there are way more than 10 ways to brighten your day. In fact, there’s a commonly used cliche, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” 

Give Credit When Credit is Due

In any case, who the quote can be accredited to depends on who you ask, as there are sources that state this is a Henry Mackay quote, while others attribute it to Mark Twain.

10 Ways to Brighten Your Workday

Next, regardless of who you credit it to, it sounds pretty great, right? That being said, it might take a little extra to reach your goal. Without further ado, here are the 10 simple ways we recommend to ease your workload wariness! 

Show Your Trust

Concerning managing employees, it is important to know when to step back and let them do their jobs. While you should be periodically checking in with your employees, you shouldn’t be overbearing or micromanaging their work.

Listen to Everyone's Ideas

Similarly, it is important to listen to your employees and ensure that they are encouraged to voice ideas. Hence, you can set up specific times throughout the day to open your door and allow employees to bring their ideas to you and ask for input.

Motivate Others

Alternatively, post an upbeat photo or quote on your desk where everyone can see it. On the other hand, if you’re a remote employee, consider hanging it on the wall or putting it in a small frame.

Encourage Fun

Consider using a common area during lunch to play a tabletop game. Furthermore, if one is available, play a video game.

Celebrate Wins and Hard Work

Regarding success, it is important to celebrate wins. Showcase employee success by giving them kudos.

Spread Happiness

Happiness is contagious. If you’re in the office, make a point to greet your coworkers with a friendly smile. More importantly, you’ll be surprised how much this gesture can affect someone’s mood.

Promote Diversity

Employees can come from a wide range of backgrounds with different lifestyles. Be that as it may, when planning work events, try to create events that are suitable for everyone. 

Show Gratitude

Thank someone for something that they did but may not have been expecting to be thanked for. With this in mind, be specific about what it was and why it was important. If you aren’t the employee’s boss, be sure to let them know.

Engage in Random Acts of Kindness

Above all, do something kind for someone. This can be anything from offering to help them with something, giving them a snack, or asking them how their weekend was. 

Encourage Positive Thinking

Specifically, to encourage positive thinking in your office, anonymously post a positive quote or photo in a common area. Thus, it will be visible to the whole team.

Quick Facts

In Conclusion

Lastly, what about you? For instance, do you represent positivity in your team? Additionally, what about in your friend groups?

Finally, do you have other tips for creating a positive work environment? Given these facts, let us know your thoughts in the comments or Contact Us!

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